Vocabulary in Romeo and Juliet
Vocabulary Examples in Romeo and Juliet:
The Prologue
🔒 1 "Chorus..." Encounter in text(The Prologue)
In Greek tragedy, a chorus was a group of actors that would comment on or interpret the master action of the play for the audition. They usually did and so by speaking and moving together. In the Early Modernistic period, this role was reduced to a single role player who would deliver the prologue and epilogue to a play. The presence of a chorus at the beginning of the play establishes a connectedness between the audience and the players on phase and commands them to pay attention to the story.
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Act I - Scene I
🔒 7 "mistempered..." Encounter in text(Human action I - Scene I)
Shakespeare adapted this give-and-take, which previously meant either ill-mixed or deranged. Here "mistempered" means the weapon was made for an evil purpose. In this way, Shakespeare paints the feud as so bad that information technology infects even the fundamental characteristics of the weapons used to carry information technology out.
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" heartless hinds?..." Meet in text(Act I - Scene I)
"Heartless hinds" is a metaphor that compares Sampson and Gregory to deers without a stag to lead them. Notice that Tybalt enters the fray when Benvolio steps in to stop it. While Tybalt will not fight the lesser members of the Montague association, Benvolio is Romeo'south cousin and therefore a worthy opponent because of his elevated social grade. Notice how the form system is embedded within this disharmonize.
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"thrust his maids to the wall...." See in text(Human action I - Scene I)
Sampson conflates fighting with sexual violence here in guild to demonstrate his dominance over the Montagues. Past "thrusting his maids to the wall," he means he will rape Montague women, and by "pushing the men away from the wall" he means he volition have the virginity that belongs to Montague men for himself. Notice that this love story begins in a identify in which women are violently treated as objects that demonstrate male concrete prowess and status within the feud.
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"take the wall ..." See in text(Human activity I - Scene I)
Elizabethan streets sloped downwards away from the wall towards a central canal where reject flowed. Socially superior members of society would walk confronting the wall where it was safer and cleaner. With this assertion, Sampson claims that he is socially superior to the Montagues. There is also a tearing sexual innuendo that implies raping the men and women of the Montague association as a woman'southward virginity was referred to as the "wall."
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"moved..." See in text(Human activity I - Scene I)
In this context "moved" means to react to an insult. It too plays on fencing terminology in which "moved" ways being forced to retreat backwards by a frontal assail. The play on words establishes these characters as clown characters. Shakespearian drama oftentimes uses clowns to underscore or demonstrate the principal disharmonize of the play in a manner that is hands accessible and entertaining to the audience.
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"choler..." See in text(Act I - Scene I)
This play on words references the iv humors, the dominant medical theory used to explain dispositions and diseases in Shakespeare's time. It was believed that the iv humors had to exist in proper balance because imbalance would crusade extreme emotions. Likewise much of the "choleric" humour acquired anger. With this play on words the characters move betwixt social stereotypes that mock coal miners and medical noesis.
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"conduct coals...." Meet in text(Act I - Scene I)
"Carry dress-down" was a pop phrase used past dramatists in Shakespeare's time that meant to put upwards with insults. Coal carriers were considered menial workers, significant that calling someone a coal carrier was a way of insulting their social status.
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Deed I - Scene III
🔒 ii "stint..." See in text(Deed I - Scene III)
In this time period "stint" meant to stop or stop action. Notice that the Nurse does non stop telling the story when Lady Capulet asks her to stop talking but does mind to Juliet. This demonstrates the close relationship between the Nurse and Juliet. While Lady Capulet coldly tells her to stop talking, Juliet entreats her to end her tale with the loving affection of a daughter to a mother. This is another place in which familial relations are figured in an odd way. At the showtime family causes bloodshed and brawls, and hither familial allegiance is outside of claret.
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"Lammastide..." Run into in text(Act I - Scene III)
Lammas Twenty-four hours is the festival of wheat harvest that occurs on the first of August. Juliet's birthday is July 31st, or Lammas Eve. The Nurse is asking how long until Juliet's altogether to notice out how old she is. This could be a rhetorical device used to tell the audition that Juliet will be fourteen in two weeks. Find how much importance the adults in this play place on Juliet'due south verbal age. It has now been the topic of two conversations in the first three scenes of the play.
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Act I - Scene 4
🔒 seven "healths five fathom deep..." Run across in text(Human activity I - Scene IV)
"Healths" is a colloquialism that ways to drink a toast. "5 fathoms deep" is a nautical measurement that equals about thirty feet. This metaphor uses hyperbole to imply that soldiers beverage a lot.
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"smelling out a suit..." See in text(Deed I - Scene Four)
"Smelling out a suit" means to observe a someone to petition government officials, or pay off authorities officials, so that the courtier has influence in the court. Notice that the dreams Queen Mab gives reveals Mercutio's opinion of each grouping of people. Lawyers only intendance for money, women's lips only care for kisses, and courtiers only care for influence within the court.
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"tithe-pig..." See in text(Act I - Scene Four)
A parson was a pastor or vicar of a small church. Tithe was the revenue enhancement, by and large a tenth of the parishioner's income or livestock, that a church would collect in social club to support itself. Sometimes a church would collect tithe in the form of livestock, such as pigs. Challenge that the parson would dream of tithe is a subtle suggestion that there was abuse within the church building as this holy man dreams of money or payment rather than God.
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"wagoner..." See in text(Deed I - Scene IV)
"Wagoner" is a coachman or driver. This description of her collar, whip, wagon, etc. demonstrates how tiny she is and imbues her with whimsical imagery that situates her story in the world of fantasy.
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"atomies..." See in text(Deed I - Scene IV)
"Atomies" in this context means a piffling fairy. Queen Mab travels into men'due south bedrooms as they sleep followed by her subjects.
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"dun..." See in text(Human activity I - Scene IV)
"Dun" refers to a nighttime or gloomy color. But it as well occurs in a so mutual phrase "dun is in the mire," in which dun ways horse. This colloquial phrase was used to say that something was at a stand-notwithstanding or dead-lock. Mercutio invokes this saying in society to contradict Romeo'south outlook: even if the "dun is in the mire" and the situation is hopelessly at a stand up-still, Mercutio and Benvolio are adamant to pull him out of the "mire," metaphorically his lovesick, gloomy disposition.
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"prolixity..." See in text(Human activity I - Scene Iv)
"Prolixity" ways longwinded or wordy spoken or written language. It was custom in this time period to ship a messenger ahead of one's party if they were going to show up in masks and wished to remain anonymous. The messenger was supposed to beg apology from the host with rhetoric. Romeo asks if they should ship this messenger, and Benvolio tells him that such formalities are now out of date.
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Human activity I - Scene V
🔒 4 "volume..." See in text(Act I - Scene 5)
This is a colloquialism that means to do something expertly. Information technology employs a double meaning though every bit "the book" also refers to the Bible. Juliet here references Romeo's ability to "osculation by the volume" in order to erase the sin metaphors into which they had fallen. Rather than the buss being something sinful, the kiss becomes something that is sanctioned by "the book" or the Bible. In plow this marks their forbidden love as something that is good and lawful rather than sinful.
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"Pentecost..." Come across in text(Act I - Scene V)
In the Christian tradition, the Pentecost is the day that Christ descended from sky after his resurrection to revisit his apostles. The apostles received the spirit past speaking in tongues and were transformed from fearful men to men able to accept martyrdom. This statement substantially means let the days go past every bit fast as they want.
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"makes squeamish..." See in text(Deed I - Scene Five)
"Makes dainty" is a colloquial phrase that means to hesitate. Here he implies that any adult female who does not desire to trip the light fantastic toe has corns, hardened layers of pare on the feet caused by wearing shoes that were too small. Corns were associated with witches and old age much like warts and hairy moles, and would have been something a immature lady would want to hide. Notice that while he entreats the men to dance, he shames the women into dancing.
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"trencher..." See in text(Act I - Scene Five)
A "trencher" was a wooden serving platter. Scene v begins with servants clearing abroad the dinner plates to point that Romeo and his friends missed dinner. They have arrived but in time for the dance. Discover how Shakespeare uses dialogue to bespeak location, time passing, and events not figured on stage without directly stating them.
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Human action II - Scene II
🔒 vii "Bondage is hoarse..." See in text(Human activity II - Scene II)
Here Juliet references her "chains," or servitude, to her family unit in order to complaining her inability to loudly telephone call out to Romeo. Because she is "imprisoned" by her family, she cannot openly limited her dearest or call to her lover, and must instead talk to him in hoarse whispers.
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"bent..." Run across in text(Act II - Scene II)
In this context, "bent" means inclination or desire. Spousal relationship and courtship were much different in Shakespeare's time. More often than not, relations of any kind outside of spousal relationship, including kissing, vowing love, or existence solitary together, were seen as dishonorable. Marriages were arranged by parents and courtships were supervised past a retainer such as a nurse or a family member. Because Romeo and Juliet's families would never consent to this marriage, they must police their desire without the help of social conventions. This rapid engagement and marriage could be seen as more prove of the backwards world created by their parent's feud.
Thus, Romeo and Juliet must brand all of the arrangements for their marriage and constabulary their own laurels.
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"o'erperch..." See in text(Deed Two - Scene II)
This means to fly over. It connotes overcoming a great obstruction. The heaviness of "overperched" is juxtaposed with the lightness of "love's wings" to suggest that love makes even the most daunting of obstacles easy to overcome. Romeo answers Juliet's fears by implicitly asserting that dearest tin can overcome all odds.
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"counsel..." See in text(Act II - Scene Two)
"Counsel" in this context means one's private thoughts. This question affirms that Juliet did non know that Romeo was listening to her.
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" baptiz'd;..." See in text(Human action II - Scene Ii)
Here Romeo refers to Baptism, the Christian tradition which symbolizes rebirth of a new more holy cocky. Notice that Juliet's love, non religion in God, is what would grant Romeo his new cocky.
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"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art m Romeo?..." See in text(Act Ii - Scene II)
"Wherefore" means why, as in Why are y'all Romeo? Discover that Juliet asks Romeo to abdicate his proper noun simply only states his first name, not the title, Montague, that is so problematic. This is an example of apostrophe, a type of dramatic speech in which a grapheme speaks to an inanimate object or person who is absent. Juliet does not know that Romeo can hear her.
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"vestal livery..." Encounter in text(Act 2 - Scene II)
A "vestal livery" is the outfit worn past virgins who serve Diana. The "sick and green" to which Romeo refers is the green sickness, or virgin sickness. It was believed in Shakespeare'southward time that a girl going through puberty suffered from anemia and could just be cured of this disease if they were relieved of their virginity. Here Romeo chastises Diana'south virgin outfit and thus makes an argument against Juliet'due south virginity.
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Act Ii - Scene 3
🔒 2 "shrift..." See in text(Deed 2 - Scene III)
A "shrift" is the penance that a priest offer to someone after they confess. Notice that the Friar believes Romeo has come up to confess, implying that his actions during the previous night were sinful.
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"mickle..." Encounter in text(Act II - Scene III)
"Mickle" ways large in bulk or size. The Friar is introduced to the audience equally someone who knows a lot about herbs and plants. He goes on to talk about both curing and poisonous plants. In this way, the Friar'southward speech underscores the theme of expert and bad, love and violence mixing, and inadvertently foreshadows the tragic end of the play.
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Human action Two - Scene IV
🔒 3 "protestation..." Encounter in text(Human activity 2 - Scene IV)
"Protestation" in this context means a formal or emphatic declaration. The Nurse takes Romeo'due south words to exist a formal declaration of his love for Juliet.
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"jacks..." See in text(Deed II - Scene Four)
"Jacks" here means cheeky immature men. The Nurse is offended past Mercutio's words and is angry with Peter for not defending her. Detect how the Nurse'due south indignation excessively delays her message to Romeo.
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"compliments..." Come across in text(Act II - Scene IV)
This ways to be good at dueling. "Helm of compliments" ways essentially the same thing equally the modern day Master of Ceremonies. Mercutio follows this clarification with an extended metaphor comparison Tybalt'southward dueling prowess to music.
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Act 2 - Scene V
🔒 2 "bear the burden..." See in text(Act II - Scene V)
This statement refers to the consummation of their marriage that dark. The Nurse complains that she must find a ladder so that Romeo can climb through Juliet'southward window that night, but teases Juliet that she is the one who will have "toil" that nighttime.
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"heralds..." See in text(Human activity II - Scene V)
"Heralds" means messengers. Here, Juliet unintentionally touches on one of the themes presented in the previous scene: there are besides many messengers, or people intervening, in Romeo and Juliet'due south dearest. This is also foreshadowing every bit their reliance on messengers will eventually lead to the tragic end of the story.
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Human activity 2 - Scene Half dozen
🔒 1 "blazon..." Meet in text(Act Ii - Scene 6)
In this context, "blazon" means to trumpet or praise something highly. This is non to be confused with the poetic blazon. Romeo uses language that implies music in club to depict his joy and their union.
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Human activity III - Scene I
🔒 vii "My blood..." See in text(Deed III - Scene I)
Mercutio was related to the Prince, not the Capulets or Montagues. The Prince ignores both arguments made by the Montagues and Capulets because their feud took the life of i of his kin.
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"volume of arithmetic..." See in text(Act III - Scene I)
The "book of arithmetic" is fighting by calculation, in other words fighting with proper fencing technique. Here, Mercutio is especially aroused considering Tybalt did not fight past the book but rather stabbed Mercutio under Romeo'south arm. Mercutio laments that it was non a fair fight, and implicates Romeo in his murder.
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"peppered..." See in text(Act Three - Scene I)
"Peppered" means done for. As soon equally Mercutio makes his joke about being dead the next twenty-four hours, he realizes that it is not a joke simply rather the truth. In this moment he becomes angry and his language changes from playful and punning to serious and literal.
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"Alla stoccata..." Come across in text(Act III - Scene I)
This is a fencing term that ways "at the thrust," "on gaurde," or permit's brainstorm. Mercutio challenges Tybalt to boxing in order to redeem Romeo's "vile submission," or perceived cowardice.
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"field..." Meet in text(Act III - Scene I)
"Field" in this context means a battlefield. Mercutio takes upwards Tybalt's insult and converts "homo," meaning manservant, into "human" meaning opponent in battle. Notice that Mercutio keeps escalating the insults so that they suggest physical violence.
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"my homo..." See in text(Act III - Scene I)
"My homo" was the address class one used to refer to their retainer. In this context, Tybalt is calling Romeo is "man," or servant, in order to disrespect Romeo and infuriate Mercutio.
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"Zounds..." See in text(Deed 3 - Scene I)
This is an insult that combines "God'due south wounds" into one give-and-take. God'south wounds references the wounds Jesus received while on the cantankerous and was seen every bit an incredibly offensive insult in Shakespeare'southward time.
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Act III - Scene 2
🔒 ii "envious..." Run across in text(Act Three - Scene Two)
"Envious" in this context means angry or total of sick-will. However, information technology also invokes the other meaning of envious, to be total of jealousy. Juliet believes that the Nurse is talking virtually Romeo being dead and that he was taken by death considering heaven was jealous of their love or full of malice.
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"curtain..." See in text(Deed Three - Scene Ii)
Here, "curtain" refers to the cloak of night and the curtain that encircled a bed to cake out light and prying eyes. Drapery in this sense invokes both secrecy and the union bed. In this manner, Juliet marks the night as a identify in which her love with Romeo volition manifest and be allowed to exist.
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Act 3 - Scene IV
🔒 two "tender..." See in text(Deed Iii - Scene IV)
Tender means both fond feeling and legal currency. Notice that when Capulet discusses his girl'due south marriage, he uses monetary terms as if she is a business organization transaction.
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"motion our girl...." Run across in text(Act Iii - Scene IV)
"Move our daughter" in this context means to convince her to marry you. In the last two scenes, the other characters in the play take suggested that everyone in the Capulet Business firm will be grief stricken by Tybalt's death. Withal, this scene opens with the Capulets and Paris planning Juliet's marriage and talking near Tybalt'due south death as if it were an inconvenience. This either demonstrates the cold nature of Juliet's parents or that in the context of the feud decease has become commonplace.
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Deed Iii - Scene V
🔒 6 "challenge..." See in text(Act III - Scene V)
"Challenge" in this context ways to demand possession of. The Nurse here argues that since Romeo is banished, he will never return for her. In this logic, she is essentially unwed because her husband is gone.
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"hurdle..." See in text(Act 3 - Scene Five)
A "hurdle" was a type of sledge used to carry prisoners to their executions. Discover that Capulet's teasing metaphors have become vicious, even violent. He either refers to her as holding that he can castling or sell, or as a prisoner who he can judgement and execute at will. Juliet is figured as a possession.
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"gives you lot thanks..." See in text(Act 3 - Scene V)
This is a phrase that means "no thank you." Lady Capulet reduces all of Juliet's protests to a simple and disrespectful "no thank you lot" and demonstrates that she was not listening when Juliet was speaking earlier.
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"conduit..." See in text(Act III - Scene Five)
A "conduit" is a pipe. This is a teasing metaphor for Juliet's tears. Notice over again that the Capulets do not take sorrow seriously; they continuously mock and chide Juliet for feeling her cousin's decease.
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"atmosphere..." See in text(Act Iii - Scene V)
"Temper" means to mix or concoct. Again, Juliet is able to appease her female parent and protect her dearest: if Juliet is the 1 to make the "poison" she tin make a harmless mixture.
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"friend..." See in text(Act Iii - Scene V)
In this context, "friend" ways kinsman. This line tin can be read in two ways. Lady Capulet could be compassionately reiterating what she said before and telling Juliet that all of her grief will not bring Tybalt dorsum to life. Or, Lady Capulet could be telling Juliet that her grief is selfish because information technology loses sight of the friend, Tybalt, to focus on itself. In both readings, Lady Capulet is telling Juliet to finish mourning her cousin.
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Human activity IV - Scene I
🔒 1 "unstain'd..." Meet in text(Act IV - Scene I)
"Unstained" in this context means pure. We know that Juliet has already lost her virginity in this play, thus "purity" no longer ways virginal but faithful. As long as no i else possesses her, she remains "unstained." However, this understanding of purity ironically makes Juliet into an object: in order to remain pure, she must remain Romeo'south possession.
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Act IV - Scene Iv
🔒 ii "mouse-hunt..." See in text(Act 4 - Scene IV)
A "mouse-hunt" was a colloquial term for chasing women. Lady Capulet challenges her husband's claim that he has stayed up late for less important things by proverb that these less important things were pursuing women.
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"cot-quean..." Run across in text(Act IV - Scene IV)
This ways a man who plays a housewife. The Nurse is chiding Capulet for managing the arrangements for Juliet's wedding.
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Act 4 - Scene V
🔒 2 "promotion..." See in text(Act Four - Scene V)
"Promotion" in this context refers to Juliet's social condition. The Capulets were trying to "promote" Juliet from unwed maiden to married adult female.
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"pennyworths..." See in text(Human action IV - Scene 5)
This means a small quantity of something, such as sleep. The Nurse is teasing Juliet for over sleeping. She has not yet realized that Juliet is "dead."
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Act V - Scene I
🔒 1 "cordial..." Run across in text(Act Five - Scene I)
"Cordial" in this context suggests that the poisonous substance is a remedy or medicine. Romeo sees the poison every bit a remedy because it will relieve him of his sorrow for Juliet'southward expiry. This urge shows a direct reversal in Romeo's desires from the offset of the scene. In the showtime, Juliet rescues Romeo from death; by the end, Romeo resigns himself to expiry for her.
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Vocabulary For Romeo And Juliet,
Source: https://www.owleyes.org/text/romeo-and-juliet/analysis/vocabulary
Posted by: farmerreanday.blogspot.com
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